HAUS KÜPPELBLICK schön, dass du da bist
  HAUS KÜPPELBLICK  schön, dass du da bist  

We are looking forward to you! :)

Google Kalender

Click on the calendar symbol and see if your booking period is free.

Ihre Formularnachricht wurde erfolgreich versendet.
Sie haben folgende Daten eingegeben:

Contact form

Bitte korrigieren Sie Ihre Eingaben in den folgenden Feldern:
Beim Versenden des Formulars ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.

Hinweis: Felder, die mit * bezeichnet sind, sind Pflichtfelder.

Arrival and departure times

The arrival time on the day of arrival is possible from 3 p.m.


The departure time on the day of departure is 11:00 noon.

Should you wish to depart later for individual reasons, or would like to store your luggage temporarily, please contact us. We will find a suitable solution.

What happens after your booking request

Check period

After we receive your request, we will check if your booking period is available.


Confirm booking

If this is the case, we will confirm your booking by sending you an email with the guest sheet according to BMG §30 and the invoice. 



Once you have completed and returned the guest form and paid the invoice amount, there is nothing to stop you from arriving.


Federal Registration Act (Bundesmeldegesetz, BMG) § 30 Special registration forms for places of accommodation

Please do not be surprised! According to the BMG §30 we have to ask you for your nationality in the guest form. As Haus Küppelblick, it is not important to us which country our guests come from. 


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